War Memorial

Current War Memorial Stadium THE TRADITION BEGINS WITH…WAR MEMORIAL STADIUM The Mayfield Cardinals faced the Madisonville Maroons on September 16, 1949 to mark the first game to be played at the newly completed War Memorial Stadium.  The stadium was the product of a group of civic-minded citizens.  General Jonathan M. Wainwright,  who presided at the ground breaking ceremony, said that this stadium would be a monument of honor for "those Graves countians, both living and dead." The following account of the game was presented at an opening celebration to mark the 40th anniversary of the opening game at the new stadium. Construction began shortly thereafter and (the stadium) was completed in time for the 1949 season.  Because of heavy rain prior to opening day, it was evident that the grass planted would not be ready.  To protect the grass sprigs, tobacco stalks-a readily available commodity-were spread on the field to provide protection. Shortly before game time, a hastily-assembled group of volunteers removed the tobaccco stalks so the game could be played.  It was September 16, 1949, and the Mayfield Cardinals, coached by Raymond "Red" Herndon, prepared to take the field.  Coach Herndon, a stern disciplinarian, was assisted by Vincent "Moose" Sachem and J.B. "Jake" Goranflo. The opponents on this opening night were the Maroons of Madisonville.  Late in the first period,  M.H.S. end Bill Taylor broke through the Maroon defense and stole the ball from the Madisonville quarterback who had faded back to pass.  Taylor scored the first touchdown recorded in War Memorial Stadium, and he also kicked the extra point to put the Cardinals up 7-0. The Maroons scored in the second period on a 23-yard run by Bob Ison.  The extra point was drop-kicked by Bill Pollock.  This was one of few drop-kicks in the history of the West Kentucky Conference.   Again in the second period, Pollock scored from one yard out and Madisonville led 13-7.  The extra point try by drop-kick was wide. Late in the game with Mayfield trailing, an errant Maroon pass was picked off by Charlie Johnson (Cardinal quarterback) also playing defensive back.  This interception let to the winning Cardinal TD; and with the extra point try successful, the final margin of 14-13 was established. —from Mayfield Traditions Newsletter Everyone that has been to a Mayfield game whether as a fan or a player knows that our beloved stadium is in dire need of some major renovations.  It is the goal of this website to make it known to sponsors/alumni that there is a need for funds to help us with the renovations/improvements of this stadium so it can be enjoyed by players and fans for years to come. View Larger Map



"Teresa L. Cantrell Looking for 50 individuals or businesses who love Mayfield Cardinal football who would help sponsor the upcoming mural celebrating cardinal football tradition. It will be painted on the east wall of the stadium, and these 50 will have some special incentives, a permanent plaque with name as sponsor and more — for more information, contact Teresa Cantrell at 251-6251 or email at tcantrell@cityofmayfield.org"

Here are some pictures of the updates that are being done to War Memorial to beautify it as well as make it a place that commands respect.

[album: http://www.mayfieldcardinals.net/wp-content/plugins/dm-albums/dm-albums.php?currdir=/wp-content/uploads/dm-albums/War_Memorial_2011/]


Here is a picture of the damage done to the score board at War Memorial on October 14, 2012